[3hrs left] The List Snowball & my bonuses are disappearing

Here’s my final email about Ian Stanley’s List Snowball method before we’ll go back to our regularly scheduled email programming tomorrow.

The reason I’ve been pushing this course is because I believe it’s exactly what you need if you want to learn how to build and grow a 6- or 7-figure email list (and especially if you don’t want to spend years grinding it out with free social media traffic and audiences).

Two important notes about the deadline which is tonight, September 22nd at midnight Pacific time:

  1. Ian will be raising the price for The List Snowball method back up to 2x what its listed at now.
  2. My two bonus mini-courses will disappear too (see below for details)

    If you’re ready and want to skip ahead to buying now, purchase the Follow Along version through my affiliate link here, and then email proof of purchase to support@copyhour.com.

    If you’d like to learn a little more about what the List Snowball can do for you, here’s Ian answering several FAQ’s on his training program.

    Enter Ian:

    1. What’s the difference between the basic course and follow along course?

    First off, the Follow Along course is $497. The Basic is $197.

    The prices of each course will double tonight.

    When you get the Follow Along, you get everything in the basic course. And you get to watch over my shoulder as I take a new funnel from $0 a day to $500 a day in sales.

    You get access to the call recordings of me building the funnels.

    If you have the money, I would highly recommend taking this option. There’s almost a 0% chance I’ll ever do this again. It’s a really cool offer and course in my opinion.

    60% of buyers take the Follow Along option just so ya know.

    There’s more info on this on the sales page.

    (Derek’s Note: To get my two bonus mini-courses, you must purchase the Follow Along version.)

    2. Will the Follow Along be you starting from scratch in a new niche where you have no reputation, no experience, and no connections?

    No. I am not starting a brand new business from scratch for this. I might’ve done that when I was younger. But I’ve learned the important of focus at this point in my life. It’s not worth the money I’m making from this course to divert focus to a whole new thing.

    However, I won’t be using affiliates or connections for this. This money will come from the paid ads funnel only.

    On top of that, the principles I’m using for my business work in almost any niche.

    For those who are skeptical let me just take a second to tell you the businesses I’ve used this same business model for.

  • A gut supplement company I owned.

  • A water filter company I owned that went from zero to six figures per month in 3 months. I then sold this company to the fastest growing start up in Canada.

  • A business with a therapist where we did six figures a month running workshops that helped people work through their mental blocks.

    That’s just the ones I’ve owned personally.

    Companies I’ve worked for or consulted for:

  • A business that sold ebooks about credit scores that did millions per year.

  • A survival business that sold ebooks about growing veggies and other stuff. It was doing $18,000,000 per year when I left.

  • Multiple supplement companies.

  • Dating companies.

  • Multiple self defense based companies. One that does hundreds of millions per year. They literally run ads to a landing page just like I’m teaching in the course.

    This stuff works across the board.

    If you need me to start from scratch with no name or reputation – don’t buy the Follow Along course.

    If you’re smart enough to see that the principles and strategies are universal – do join it.

    3. Will the List Snowball work for beginners?

    Yes and no. It’ll work if you DO it. And if you find or create offers that people actually want.

    It’s not the easiest path for beginners. I’d recommend writing emails for other people and then building your own list.

    However, I have total beginner students who’ve built 7-figure businesses from what I’m teaching. It’s really up to YOU as the individual.

    You can learn this as a beginner. 100%. However I just want to be clear that there are probably easier ways to make your first few grand a month.

    The difference with this type of business is you can scale it. If you can make a few grand a month you can probably make tens or hundreds of thousands a month because it’s not dependent on your time.

    4. Do I need my own product to do this?

    No. You can use affiliate offers if you want, but you have to make some tweaks to the set up for that to work. I’m not gonna provide extensive training on finding affiliate products in a $197 product.

    But you can use them if you want. Or you can create your own products in the way that I recommend.

    It’s up to you.

    That being said, I have a friend who makes about $200,000 a month without his own offers. He just builds his list and sends other people’s offers. So it can work for sure.

    5. How long will I have access to the replays and recordings?

    You’ll have access to them indefinitely. They don’t expire or disappear.

    6. Do I need to purchase software to be able to do this?

    You need some sort of way to collect emails and send emails. What tool you use to do that is up to you. I’ll recommend the ones I use but you don’t need to use them.

    If I could magically teach you this without them I would, but I’m not a magician.

    (Derek’s note: I’ll also make tech recommendations for you if you need them in my bonus mini-courses.)

    7. Do I need to spend money on ads to succeed with this?

    Yes. I mean technically you could use the same funnel for organic or free traffic, but that’s not what I’m teaching. Free traffic isn’t scalable. Paid ads are.

    If you’re not willing to spend $10/day, this ain’t for you. You should be able to at least do that.

    Unless you just wanna learn this stuff and not implement it. Then feel free to buy it and not spend money haha.

    Alright, it’s Derek again. Still with me?

    If you purchase the List Snowball Follow Along version through me, I’m going to create two bonus mini-courses for you.

    Bonus #1: How To Write ‘Invisible’ Text Ads That Generate Thousands of Clicks

    For this mini-course, I’ll fire up X (formerly Twitter) ads and show you the process over-the-shoulder.

    You’ll see my ads, the audiences, the spend, the landing page, my $7 offer and the sales numbers – you’ll see everything.

    I’m going to start exactly how Ian recommends we start – with a $10 per day budget before moving up incrementally.

    I say ‘invisible’ because here’s the strategy I’ve used in the past:

  • I take one of my content-rich email newsletters that I’ve written in the past, and edit the intro and outro and post it to my X account.

  • Then I run ads to the post

    Very important: These posts read like, and actually give away, solid content – which is something people who use X are desperate for. That’s why they’re “invisible”. They’re not normal-looking ads. They match the medium.

    If you already have a list that you write emails for – then you can just quickly repurpose one of your best emails. If you don’t have an email list yet, I’ll quickly show you how to write valuable content-rich posts that get clicks.

    I’ll show you exactly what I’m doing – so you can model it for yourself and start running ads too.

    I’ll start delivering this bonus training on Monday, September 30th, so you can get familiar with Ian’s List Snowball Method this upcoming week before we jump in.

    Bonus #2: How To Build A $7 Offer In Under An Hour

    The most common problem people encounter with paid traffic is that they don’t have a way to immediately monetize the traffic they’ve purchased or they try to sell something more expensive and the majority of website visitors don’t purchase anything (this was my experience earlier this year).

    What happens then is that you quit and say, “this doesn’t work for me.”

    That’s where the $7 Offer comes in. Because they’re inexpensive, you can make them quickly and start testing email list ideas you might have. I’ll show you exactly how to create the content and pump out one of these $7 Offers in under an hour.

    The faster you can create a $7 Offer, the faster you can start confidently testing ideas and building your email list.

    This mini-course I’ll create will work in conjunction with the Invisible Text ads bonus. I’ll start delivering this course on Wednesday September 25th. We’ll need a $7 Offer to setup our ads.

    Sound good?

    Now, my bonuses are only available when you purchase the Follow Along version of the List Snowball course. I want you to get the Follow Along version because live over-the-shoulder training is crucial when you’re setting up these funnels. You’ll get to see Ian’s thought-process in real time and learn how to avoid common mistakes as they pop up.

    At $497, Ian’s List Snowball, including the Follow Along trainings and my two bonus mini-courses, is an absolute steal. (Also keep in mind, that the price doubles tonight at midnight Pacific.)

    Ian’s first real list (that he personally owned) was started through a promotion he ran to my email list in 2014. He had 200 people on that list and he made $55k in his first year with it. Now, 10 years later, his email list generates north of $2 million per year – and it was built using exactly the same strategy as you’ll learn inside the List Snowball.

    In other words, $497 to learn how to build the same funnels that generate 7-figure solopreneur businesses is peanuts in comparison to the 10x or 100x return you could generate.

    To repeat: If you want to learn how to build and grow a 6- or 7-figure email list, buy the List Snowball Method through me and I’ll throw in two extra bonus mini-courses (“How To Build A $7 Offer In Under An Hour” and “How To Write Invisible Text Ads That Generate Thousands of Clicks”).

I could charge $197 for each of these mini-courses separately, but you’ll get them for free when you join the List Snowball Follow Along version through me.

Here’s my affiliate link:

>>> Last call: Buy The List Snowball Before Midnight Pacific

  1. Purchase the Follow Along version of List Snowball before midnight Pacific tonight, September 22nd
  2. Send an email with proof of purchase to support@copyhour.com
  3. We’ll send you links to get signed up for the two bonus mini-courses

    – Derek

P.S. If you already purchased The List Snowball “Follow Along” version from Ian back in June of this year AND you’re also a CopyHour customer, please send support@copyhour.com an email so we can get you the bonuses.