5 steps to earn more (to end 2024)

All this week I’ve written about what to do if you’re feeling stuck at a certain income level (either as a freelancer or a solopreneur).

Most people just kind of hope and pray that their income will raise over the years without being proactive and developing a plan to make it happen.

Here’s the whole method I suggest, if you want to make the next 6 to 12 months your most profitable.

What to do first:

Learn how to solve growth-related pain points for businesses. These problems include: getting more customers, raising average order value, getting repeat business.

How to do it:

  • Study my emails from earlier this week.
  • Watch this clip of Jay Abraham talking about the "3 ways to grow a business".
  • Study this PDF from Jay.
  • Become a detective in your business (or a client’s business). Where and why are you struggling to grow?

    What to do second:

    Learn how to write longer-form sales letters. Sales letters are the sales assets that are closest to a sales transaction, and they pay the best of any form of copywriting.

(If sales letters aren’t really a thing in your industry, work on your sales skills in general and try to start working on being involved in the negotiations that lead directly to a sale).

How to do it:

  • Read my emails from last week on the 7 Figure Sales Writing Framework.

  • Read my email on sales letter skills from earlier this week.

  • Take the CopyHour course and learn how to write a sales letter from start to finish.

  • Review your CopyHour materials if you’re already a customer and need a refresher.

    What to do third:

    Learn to create winning offers.

    How to do it:

  • Read my email from earlier this week on building offers.

  • Watch this clip of Alex Hormozi on the My First Million Podcast.

  • Get out there, write sales letters and try to make your offers irresistible. I know you’ll want a book to help with the process, so read Hormozi’s book, "$100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No".

  • Survey your list using the 30-Second Survey method I’ve talked about in my Weekend Launch Party course and in previous emails. This will give you a good indication of the offers that buyers (not freebie-seekers) want.

    What to do fourth NOW:

    Start systematically removing roadblocks – both internal and external. Anything that’s holding you back from truly believing deep in your bones that you can and will make more, needs to be squashed.

    How to do it:

  • Start with your internal roadblocks. I know the cash won’t be available for everyone immediately to get help so I’ll start with the free & cheap methods first.

  • Try meditation. Read The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer for inspiration on how a killer businessman got started with meditation.

  • Then read The 3 Pillars of Zen.

  • If you want a guided meditation app, I’ve heard good things about Waking Up by Sam Harris but I haven’t personally used it.

  • If you want to accelerate your timeline, seek out therapy. Specifically, I recommend working with an entrepreneur-focused therapist.

  • Next, hire a business or copywriting coach that you believe in.

  • Then, work on your external blocks. Start "firing" any clients or customers (and markets) that are creating insurmountable roadblocks for your income.

    What to do when your skills are built and your roadblocks are cleared:

    This is the "B" part of my "PSRB Method" that I’ve been outlining this week.

"B" stands for "Bet Big".

If you want to win in business and pull in a bigger income (into the multiple hundreds of thousands) you absolutely have to start making bigger and bigger bets on the skills you’ve developed.

Betting big on your skills means that you trust that your skills (like your sales letters and your offers) will return a positive ROI.

You put more money or people into your "system" because you know it’s going to work (and it most often does, because you’ve built the skills).

Betting Big for me means that I’m just trying to get as many people who buy courses onto my list. I pay money to get these people (mostly in the form of affiliate payments at the moment). What I’m doing is betting on my ability to write email copy, sales page copy, and on my skills creating offers.

Those are my high value skills. I need bet that they’re going to work their magic (and they have been in 2024).

The times I’ve gotten into trouble in business are when I lose confidence in my skills (which is an internal roadblock). The times when I’ve made big leaps in income have been when I’ve put time or money on the line, betting that my skills will win out and return more than I put in.

I’ll say it again: If you want to increase your income, the fastest way possible is to make big bets on the skills you’ve built.

How to bet big:

  • Build the skills above first.

  • Remove the roadblocks (internal and external).

  • Spend money, "bet", that your skills will produce more money than you put in.

    Okay, that’s it for the week. This is the PSRB Method in its entirety.

    Honestly, it’s a terrible acronym that I’ll change in the future, but it’ll do the trick for now:

  • Problems: Solve growth-related problems for businesses.

  • Skills: Learn how to write sales letters and how to create offers.

  • Roadblocks: Remove internal and external roadblocks from the equation.

  • Bet: Bet BIG on your skills.

    I hope you enjoyed this series. If you have any questions, fire them my way and I can follow-up in future emails.

    Have a great weekend!

    – Derek