How many courses have you built in the last 30 days?

During this launch of Email Delivered Courses (that you’re witnessing right now, in real-time) I did something radical.

Under 12 hours after launching, I updated the headline of my sales letter and took an entirely different angle.


Well, first, let me stress that you don’t need a sales page for your first launch of an Email Delivered Course. I created one in this case because I’m on what feels like an unstoppable productivity kick in 2024. I’m overachieving hard right now.

But normally, I’m pretty "lazy".

I usually describe the entire idea I have for a course to my email subscribers in a single email, and then ask them to buy direct from a checkout page. That method is preferred to start. You’ve probably even seen other modern marketers do something similar for video courses.

Email > Checkout Page > Sale

Now, back to the headline: I switched the headline after the first day because I’m running a survey I send immediately to customers – and those customers showed me (feedback) that I’d lost sight of the real reason they were joining the course.

[Author Note: Thankfully, because I’d done an effective job in my pre-sell week leading up to the launch – it didn’t matter that I’d flubbed up something super important and people still joined. I’ll teach you how to pre-sell inside Email Delivered Courses but more on that later.]

The first version of the sales letter spoke most directly to using an Email Delivered Course to build a hyper-responsive list.

But the surveys told me people were actually buying because they wanted to learn to create an ultra-simple course they wouldn’t procrastinate on building.

In other words, I was selling building a list versus building a course.

Which was a big mistake.

So I took that feedback and changed up the headline of the sales page. I also took a story I wrote during the pre-sell portion last week, that perfectly illustrated why building an Email Delivered Course is the best way to build a course and copy/pasted it into the intro.

[Author Note: You can use your pre-sell and launch emails to build a sales page later.]

Look at the results of the switch:

Average time spent reading the sales page went from 3 minutes and 36 seconds with the first version, all the way up to now 8 minutes and 49 seconds.

You guys are spending twice as much time reading my sales letter now.

Which means my content is now more aligned with what people want – and the conversion rate has gone up.

This is a perfect example of yet another benefit of Email Delivered Course launches and what happens when you do them "right".

Because you can build an Email Delivered Course in real-time, without creating the entire course upfront, you can constantly correct and "right the ship" throughout the process.

Then, after 30 or so days, you’re done and you have a course you can sell forever.

It’s not nearly as complicated as it might sound – it’s an extremely simple process which you’ll see below.

There are 4 important feedback loops that you can use when you create and launch a Email Delivered Course:

Feedback Loop #1: Validate your course idea

With my model, your customers buy the course, or they don’t buy the course. That’s feedback.

This feedback tells you whether or not the course topic is worth pursuing.

Feedback Loop #2: How To Start Building The Course Content

With an Email Delivered Course, you survey customers immediately after they purchase.

This gives you ideas for what to include in your course content (which you’ll start building later).

This also gives you feedback that you can use in your marketing materials for the launch you’re currently running.

Or, you can use the feedback to update sales copy for when the course is evergreen.

Feedback Loop #3: Create The Course In Real-Time

During the first time you run the course, you continually ask for feedback and talk to customers.

When necessary, you can update or clarify in the follow-ing day’s course email.

I can’t stress enough that this is LESS work overall.

You don’t have to send a perfect email lesson every day – some will be better than others (even though you try your best).

Feedback Loop #4: How to sell your course evergreen

At the end of the version 1.0 course (which you’ve done live with customers), you ask for feedback on results and testimonials. You can use that info to update the sales copy for future launches of the course.

If this sounds like an incredible amount of work, it’s not.

By the time your first course ends in just 30 days, you have a killer, product on your hands.

Put it to you this way: How many courses have you created in the last 30 days?

If you’ve created a few… good for you, but that’s not 99% of people.

And… I bet that course wasn’t nearly as good (and addicting for customers) as an Email Delivered Course can be.

Again, one of the biggest benefits (I think) of creating an Email Delivered Course is that you build the course in real-time… but then it’s done forever.

The real-time nature of an Email Delivered Course kills the procrastinator in me and the pressure to hit publish feels positive because I know I’ll be able to quickly edit and update the materials if I need to.

^^^ Read that again and let it truly sink in.

You don’t have to be *perfect* to start – you just need to listen to your customers.

On top of the positive pressure to hit publish, it’s an absolute blast and joy to see the people around you winning. Email Delivered Courses built with addicting content are precisely engineered to create "winning" for your customers.

Normal courses shotgun all the info at you, you get overwhelmed, and do nothing.

Email Delivered Courses give customers small wins at first that then snowball into bigger overall wins.

If any of this sounds interesting to you – and you know you’d like to create a course you can sell and start building basically overnight – then you should join Email Delivered Courses.

I’ll show you how I’ve built my most successful courses that generate tons of word-of-mouth sales.

I just need 30 days to show you how the system works, from starting idea, to writing the course content, all the way through to evergreening the course and putting sales on autopilot.

The course will start on the morning of August 5th.

Immediately after you join, I’ll send you a survey (for feedback). If you have a personal question about building Email Delivered Courses I’ll see it and be able to craft the materials to feel more tailored.

So don’t wait until the last minute. The cart will close at 11:59PDT this Sunday. After that you won’t be able to ask me questions directly as the course content is created. And, you’ll pay almost 2x when the content is "evergreen"’d and I open it up again.

>>> Create an ultra-simple, ultra-profitable digital course in the next 30 days — over email

I hope to see you inside.

I’ve got a few more things to discuss over the weekend about Email Delivered Courses but what are your questions?

Just hit reply and I’ll see if I can help.

– Derek