Quickstart guide: How to scale an email list in 7 steps

This week we’ve been talking about building and growing 6- and 7-figure email-list-driven businesses.

Today’s email will be a short quickstart guide on how to build a new email list, or how to scale up and add more email list subscribers consistently if you’re already established.

Here’s the ideal funnel for building email lists.

Now let’s hop into the steps:

Step 1: Start with a problem you could solve

The first thing you should determine is a problem that you’ve either solved in the past, or that you could solve right now.

Profitable problems are problems that people pay money to solve. Don’t solve problems that people try to solve on their own for free (<– this sentence will eliminate A LOT of un-profitable problems).

Once you’ve identified what you think is a profitable problem, think of an audience of people (aka niche market) that would like to solve this problem too.

Step 2: Build a $7 Offer that solves that problem

The next step is to figure out a cheap product you can sell for $7.

There are 2 ways to create a $7 Offer.

  1. "How to" trainings (video, audio, pdf, email sequences)
  2. Templates, checklists, recipes, quickstart guide, etc.

    The easiest $7 Offer to build is a small package of 3-5 templates or recipes that help solve one part of the profitable problem you identified in Step 1.

    Step 3: Write a 1000 word (or less) sales letter for your $7 Offer

    Once you’ve decided on what templates you’ll offer for $7, write a 1000 word (or less) sales letter.

    Do not go over 1000 words. This is known as a healthy constraint.

    When you’re forced to write and sell something in under 1000 words, you’re helping ensure that your template package is actually attractive and something people want. In other words, if you can’t sell your templates for $7 in under 1000 words, your offer isn’t strong enough, and you need to start over and figure out other templates that will sell.

    Step 4: Write a 175 word landing page (opt-in page)

    After you’ve written your sales letter, take one template from your template package that’s the most exciting, sexy, interesting, mysterious, or beneficial (put on your copywriter hat to figure this out).

    This will be your "lead magnet". You’ll give this template away in exchange for someone subscribing to your email list.

    Write up a landing page that’s under 175 words, and promises the results (solves part of the problem) that people will get when they use the template/recipe/quickstart guide.

    Step 5: Turn your landing page into an ad script

    Now take this 175-word landing page and turn it into an ad script.

    The ad should read almost word-for-word the same as the landing page.

    You’ll call out the audience you identified in Step 1 and then promise them the same result as you promised on the landing page. Tell them they’ll get the template for free, and that they’ll have to opt-in to get it. And the reason you’re giving it away for free is because you know they’ll buy something from you in the future.

    Step 6: Pick an ad platform that your audience uses most frequently to (ideally) solve their problem

    Now you should pick an ad platform like Google, Meta (Facebook/instagram), X or LinkedIn where your target audience generally hangs out, trying to solve the problem your template and $7 offer solve.

    Where do you know for a fact this audience hangs out a bunch and watches/reads content on the problem you’re solving? Instagram is likely the most common platform for many audiences.

    Step 7: Use a $10 per day budget, TEST, and analyze the data

The final step is to launch your ads! And importantly, keep in mind that this is all a test.

You might not have nailed one or more steps in the process. Keep a close eye on the data. How many clicks are you getting and how many people are opting in? Are you making any sales? Each data point tells you something.

For example: lots of opt-ins and no sales could mean 2 things: 1) the copy is off on your $7 offer sales page or 2) people don’t want to pay money to solve this particular problem.

This is quite obviously a very high-level overview of how to build and scale an email list.

And while it might seem simple on the surface, this same funnel has been responsible for building more 6-, 7- and 8-figure businesses than I can count.

My friend Ian Stanley has built four different 7-figure businesses using this exact model.

So if you’d like to go deeper, I’m recommending that you purchase Ian’s List Snowball method by this Sunday night.

Ian lays out the entire methodology I’ve just described above from start to finish.

  • You see the ads that he runs on Facebook and Instagram and he breaks down how to write and adapt his scripts to your chosen market.
  • Ian’s media buyer, Paul, shows you how to get set up on Facebook (Meta) ads, and the exact targeting and budgeting strategies you’ll need.
  • You’ll see the landing pages Ian uses plus get a breakdown of his now famous 175-word page that has a 69% opt-in rate.
  • You’ll learn how to create a "bump offer" and upsells to maximize customer average order value (AOV). It’s these little tricks that ensure you’ll make a return on your ad spend – and really, ensure that you don’t quit on paid traffic because "it doesn’t work well for me!"
  • Ian gives you a 7-day sequence of follow-up email templates that help make your ads profitable by day 7.

    Most importantly, you’ll learn how to replicate all of this for yourself.

The List Snowball Method shows you how to consistently build an email list in whatever niche you’d like, using paid traffic… but you can start testing ads and/or ideas for email lists with as little as $10 per day.

There are two options when joining the List Snowball Method. You can get the basic course which includes everything I described above.

Or, and this is what I’m recommending, you can get the "Follow Along" version which includes the List Snowball course and 10 additional over-the-shoulder trainings.

In the Follow Along version, Ian shows you over-the-shoulder how he set up a brand new funnel from $0 per day and took it to $500 per day in revenue. These trainings were all done live – but now they’re available to watch immediately as replays.

I recommend that you purchase the Follow Along for two reasons:

  1. You’ll get a better understanding of how simple it is to set up a List Snowball funnel and to start generating leads and revenue day after day. The Follow Along will help you build confidence that you really can do this (because you can!). Plus, I always learn best when I watch someone performing the skill live – that’s what these trainings do.
  2. The second reason is I’m offering two bonuses when you purchase the Follow Along version. You must join the Follow Along version of this course through my link in order to get these bonuses.

    Bonus #1: How To Build A $7 Offer In Under An Hour

    The most common problem people encounter with paid traffic is that they don’t have a way to immediately monetize the traffic they’ve purchased. What happens then is that you quit and say, "this doesn’t work for me!"

    That’s where the $7 Offer comes in. Because they’re inexpensive, you can make them quickly and start testing email list ideas you might have. I’ll show you exactly how to create the content and pump out one of these $7 Offers in under an hour.

    The faster you can create a $7 Offer, the faster you can start confidently testing ideas and building your email list.

    Bonus #2: How To Write Invisible Text Ads That Generate Thousands of Clicks

    If you’d like to write text-only ads and build an email list and funnel that way, I’ll show you how you can add them to the List Snowball Method.

    I call these text-only ads "invisible" because they’re almost entirely content – which means these ads can sometimes go viral and generate extra free traffic for you.

    If you prefer a more content-rich style of advertising, you’ll love this bonus mini course I’m putting together.

    Again, my bonuses are only available when you purchase the Follow Along version of the List Snowball course. I want to make that extremely clear and I want you to purchase the Follow Along version because live over-the-shoulder training is crucial when you’re setting up these funnels. You’ll get to see Ian’s thought-process in real time and learn how to avoid common mistakes as they pop up.

    A note on pricing: At $497, Ian’s List Snowball, including the Follow Along trainings and my two bonus mini-courses, is an absolute steal.

    Ian’s first real list (that he personally owned) was started through a promotion he ran to my email list in 2014. He had 200 people on that list and he made $55k in his first year with it. Now, 10 years later, his email list generates north of $2 million per year – and it was built using exactly the same strategy as you’ll learn inside the List Snowball.

    In other words, $497 to learn how to build the same funnels that generate 7-figure solopreneur businesses is peanuts in comparison to the 10x or 100x return you could generate.

    To repeat: If you want to learn how to build and grow a 6- or 7-figure email list, buy the List Snowball Method through me and I’ll throw in two extra bonus courses ("How To Build A $7 Offer In Under An Hour" and "How To Write Invisible Text Ads That Generate Thousands of Clicks").

I could charge $197 for each of these mini-courses separately, but you’ll get them for free when you join the List Snowball Follow Along version through me.

Here’s my affiliate link:

>>> How To Scale An Email List With The List Snowball Method

  1. Purchase the Follow Along version of List Snowball.
  2. Send an email with proof of purchase to support@copyhour.com
  3. We’ll send you links to get signed up for the two bonus courses.

    Just hit reply if you have any questions about purchasing.

    – Derek

P.S. If you’d like to watch a replay of the webinar training Ian and I did about building lists this past Thursday, here’s the link.

>>> Watch the replay here

P.P.S. The deadline to purchase the List Snowball and get my bonuses is Sunday night. And if you try to buy on Monday the price will be double. Long story short: If you want to grow an email list, I recommend you move quickly.