Live now! Become a freelance copywriter w/ Ning Li’s Retirement Sale

Thanks for expressing your interest in freelance copywriting and Ning Li’s special "Retirement Sale".

Let me be very direct about what’s happening and what you can expect between now and next Friday, October 18th (when the sale ends):

  • Since you "raised your hand" and said so, I’m going to assume you want to become a (highly paid) freelance copywriter.
  • If that assumption is true – I believe Ning Li is one of the best freelance copywriting instructors to learn from (as in, he’s one of the best in the world at teaching freelancers, specifically, how to write copy and get clients).
  • Now of course, Ning is retiring so you can’t get coached one-on-one by him anymore. But you can buy his "Zero to $5K" course, through me, and through this Retirement Sale.
  • The discount will be 50% off the normal price for the self-study version of "Zero to $5K" (you’ll pay $497 instead of $997. There’s a payment plan available if you need it, too).
  • This is the same program Ning has sold previously, and nothing has changed minus CopyHour is the one supporting the course (I hired Ning’s former Ops Manager, Andrea, to help facilitate).
  • Why is Ning retiring? Well… this is probably the best testimonial for "Zero to $5K" that I could provide (and there are already A LOT of testimonials to read on Ning’s sales page)… Ning is making too much dang money as a freelance copywriter that it just makes sense for him to drop the coaching side of his business entirely.
  • This is exactly why you need to act on this retirement deal NOW if you’re still trying to get freelancing figured out.
  • Here’s another reason to act now: I don’t know if I’m ever going to sell "Zero to $5K" again. That’s not fake scarcity. Ning was going to delete all this products after customers downloaded them. It’s possible I’ll do the same after this Retirement Sale ends on October 18th.
  • More about Ning: he’s sold over $50 million as a freelance copywriter and he’s worked his way up to copy chief at Paleohacks lightening fast. He’s also coached over 400 freelance copywriters and understands exactly where they trip themselves up (and how to overcome those obstacles and get clients & paying jobs quickly). In other words, if you want to know how to do freelance copywriting right, Ning is exactly who you need to listen to.
  • Plus, Ning made $600k as a freelancer last year and is currently projecting to hit close to $1 million this year.
  • From now until Friday, October 18th I’m going to send sales emails that Ning wrote for "Zero to $5K" previously. You’ll get a sense of how Ning writes and explains his courses.
  • All links (including this one) will direct to the "Zero to $5K" course sales page with the 50% off discount already applied.

Enter Ning…


Yo, it’s Ning here!

Ever had this happen to you?

"We loved your work, but we’re going with another copywriter for this project."

Not long ago, I saw it with my own eyes.

We needed a new copywriter for Paleohacks and took in applicants.

Out of them, one stood out.

He wasn’t my student, but I was really impressed with his work.

When he came to the interview I realized he had the knowledge and experience we were looking for.

But there was a problem.

He was competing against Tiana, one of my top students.

When it came time to do the test project, Tiana’s copy made the other guy’s bite the dust.

His wasn’t bad, but it didn’t come close.

Because of that, Tiana got the job.

Can’t imagine how he felt after having his hopes up and doing a great job on his test.

Tiana, on the other hand, thanks to being one of my students, and putting in the reps, earned a job at one of the coolest health companies in the world. (I’m kinda biased, I know hahahahaha).

It’s something I see over and over again.

Copywriters that have the right coach by their side have an unfair advantage.

They step into every opportunity standing out.

Outshining all other copywriters.

And getting paid what they ask for, without any pushback from their client

Here’s the problem I see.

Most beginner copywriters can’t get there on their own.

There are some superstars that have risen from rags to riches without guidance, but they’re the exception, not the rule.

The rest of us need a guiding hand. Someone that’s walked the path and is willing to lead us.

I just finished putting together something that shows you how to become the copywriter that stands out when it comes to getting new projects, without having to become one of my private, $3,000/month students.

Get all the gigs and jobs you apply for.

Even though most of my copywriter students are crushing it right now, I’ve been thinking a lot about those of you who can’t shell out $3,000 every month.

I get it.

Before becoming a copywriter, I made $30,000 a year being a biology teacher.

That’s why I have this new option specifically for beginners.

I took the most effective parts of my 1:1 coaching and put them together in a program that will help you reach $5K/month without putting in a 40-hour workweek.

You’ll be following the same path my students take, but it’s going to be much easier for you.

Click the link below to discover how now.

>>> Click here to stop losing gigs to other copywriters.

Talk soon,


P.S. If you want this to work you must be willing to write an email a day.

Is that something reasonable?

If it is, you’ll make bank in no time.