I want to get to the point here – and share a story with you.
In fact, this week I’m going to be sharing a lot of stories that I hope will inspire you.
This week, my course CopyHour – widely considered to be the most effective (and fastest) copywriting training system on the planet – is open for enrollment.
The course is only open 4 weeks each year.
You’re getting this email because, at some point, you expressed interest in CopyHour.
This week I’ll go into a little more detail on exactly how CopyHour works… but today I want to open with a story from a copywriter named Dan Ferrari.
Dan isn’t a big name "guru"… but every big name guru knows who Dan is.
Dan is a freelance copywriter who has written controls (a "control" is the highest-converting sales letter that a company sends out to its prospects for any of its products) for some of the biggest direct response companies in the world.
In fact, his first multi-million dollar sales page was written shortly after he completed CopyHour – and with less than 2 years total experience as a copywriter.
You’ll never hear of Dan because he’s not trying to be a public figure. His home base is Hawaii where he just writes copy and surfs and lives a quiet, low-key, fulfilling life… what I think most people set out to achieve when they get deep into writing copy.
A few years back, Dan sent me an unsolicited email about his experience in CopyHour.
He wrote it and asked me to send it to prospective students.
Attached below is that email.
I love reading his story and I think it’ll be inspiring for you too, whether you become a CopyHour student or not. Because whatever your goals are… whether you’re an solopreneur trying to level up your business, a freelance copywriter trying to level up your game, or you’re looking to start as either an entrepreneur or freelancer… reading stories like Dan’s proves you can achieve them.
All right, Derek out – here’s Dan.
Did you know a "breakfast" of four tablespoons of olive oil – taken straight from the bottle – comes out to just 21 cents?
(As long as you’re buying in bulk at Costco.)
Unless you’re some kind of weirdo, I’m guessing you didn’t know that.
But somehow, I do.
You know why?
Because when I first started copywriting, I was so dirt poor, I was forced to calculate this type of thing.
Thus, my days started with four tablespoons of olive straight to the face.
Breakfast of champions. If you haven’t tried it, it’s about as terrible as it sounds.
(By the way, if you’re curious, on a "per-calorie" basis, a meal of wholesale chicken thighs is about 8.25x more expensive than the olive oil. But hey, sometimes you have to treat yourself.)
You know why I was so broke?
Because I was a full-time freelance copywriter… who sucked at writing copy.
This was about 6 months into this new career.
Sure, I wrote some stuff that was OK at times. But mostly, it sucked.
Unfortunately, as a general rule of thumb, people don’t pay very well for things that suck.
So I struggled.
I barely had money to put food in my mouth and my savings had dwindled.
How the hell was I supposed to pay for a "copywriting education" of any kind?
Lucky me, it was around this time I stumbled upon CopyHour… so I didn’t have to.
The rest… as they say… is history: my writing took off after I went through CopyHour, and completely self-taught, with less than two years’ experience, I wrote a control for The Motley Fool.
There are "name" copywriters with decades of experience who have been hired to do that and failed.
Another year and change later and I can get a gig writing copy for just about any direct-response company on the planet.
I know because I turn down a new offer every week.
And I openly give credit for this success to Derek and CopyHour.
This "weird" little idea of Derek’s changed my life.
I met Derek last month while I was in San Diego. I told him I thought my return on investment with CopyHour was about 15,000x.
I’m pretty sure he thought I was joking. I wasn’t. I think that’s a fairly accurate assessment of how much I’ve made since then.
Would I have made it this far without CopyHour?**
I don’t think so.
But even if I did, it would have taken years longer.
Listen: there is no better way… no faster way… to teach yourself how to write copy.
There’s something almost mystical about CopyHour. You undergo some sort of metamorphosis.
I know a lot of the folks who have done it. They’ve all gotten scary good in a short amount of time.
There’s no reason to think your results will be any different.
If you take the time to do this each day, it will open doors for you.
And I promise you this: anything is possible after that.
Publishing your own products…
Taking an in-house gig with a world-class marketing team (like I did)…
Building a lucrative freelance business…
And that, man is it exciting!
The feeling I have from knowing that I’m in COMPLETE control of how I make my income, how I spend my time, how much time I take off, what I devote my energy to…
It’s so liberating, it’s moved me to tears before (which is why, out of gratitude, I told Derek I wanted to write this email – it was completely unsolicited).
Look: you have the chance to start something great today.
The simple fact that you’ve been reading Derek’s emails means you’re closer than 99% of the rest of the people in the world at making that happen. It’s time to finish strong.
And take it from me, once you’ve experienced what’s on the other side of this learning process, there is NO PRICE you wouldn’t pay to get it.
Because having control over your life is valuable beyond measure. It’s a feeling that quite literally can’t be bought.
Don’t rob yourself of that.
Give this a shot and see what happens. There’s nothing but upside.
To the next round of CopyHour success stories,
— Dan Ferrari
Hey, still there? It’s Derek again.
When I say I’ve trained some of the best copywriters in the world (and I’ve trained a lot of them), this was the formula:
- Read a short lesson on a specific copywriting fundamental.
- Spend fifteen minutes, up to one hour, handwriting a single piece of proven copy that uses that fundamental to hard-wire it.
- Repeat for 90 days.
That’s CopyHour in a nutshell.
If you’re driven and actually do the work – well, I obviously can’t guarantee you any results.
But I’ve seen it produce miracles like Dan’s story above.
Again, and again, and again.
CopyHour is open right now for registrations but I’ll be closing the doors on Sunday to devote attention to the new batch of students starting on Monday January 13th.
Read more about how it all works here:
>>> Train yourself to write six and seven figure copy in the next 90 days