Here’s something most people don’t know about when it comes to copywriting: simply finishing a sales letter puts you ahead of 98% of other writers.
A lot of copywriters find themselves trapped in "copy limbo" (where you’re writing the same letter in circles for weeks on end and never actually publishing it) – I’ve been there and it sucks. The worst part is the shame, like, "What’s wrong with me that I can’t finish one stupid freaking letter!?"
But if you can write a simple sales letter from beginning to end that follows the fundamentals, you’re so far ahead you don’t even know.
To illustrate this point, let me introduce you to another current A-list copywriter who got his start with CopyHour:
Austin Lee.
Can you imagine writing a sales letter that pulls in over 60,000 customers? Not 60,000 dollars. 60,000 new customers.
Entire 9-figure businesses are built on customer lists like that.
Austin can imagine this well because he’s done it with his copywriting in the financial advice industry.
In just a few short years Austin has gone from 20-something guy living at home with his parents, bouncing from job to job (working for $15/hr in a restaurant pre-CopyHour), to a true A-list copywriter that publishers seek out when they need a blockbuster promotion.
He started his career post-CopyHour with cheap Upwork gigs (something I highly recommend early on to "get paid to put in your reps") – and quickly worked his way up past $20k a month plus bonuses and royalties with top tier financial newsletters. (I’m not sure, nor do I care where he’s at now. It’s likely much, much higher.)
What’s amazing about copywriting is that these $20k/mo payouts are pennies to the companies he writes for. They don’t think twice about paying him that much because of the results he brings in. Your pay as a copywriter is generally based on the value you bring in, which means you can grow quickly like Austin did.
Now, what does it take to write a sales letter that converts 60,000 people into new customers and pulls in 8 figures in sales?
It might seem extremely complicated.
At least that’s what most people would have you believe.
But Austin told me it really just comes down to finishing a first draft.
If you can finish a first draft, you have what it takes to write 7-figure copy.
Because when you have a first draft, you (and your copy chief if you have one) now have something to work with, rearrange and test against.
Honestly, it’s rare that you will think your letter is any good at first.
More often than not you’ll have doubts about it.
But the only way to know is to test it.
CopyHour is designed to hard-wire into your brain the fairly predictable and somewhat formulaic patterns of the world’s greatest copy so that getting a complete draft out doesn’t get you stuck in "copy limbo". Instead, you pump it out quickly – and get to testing immediately.
The writing doesn’t have to be perfect — you just need the underlying principles of persuasion to be coursing through the words in your letter. As I said in a previous email, "the more ‘imperfect’ your writing is, often the better it converts" (as long as the fundamentals are there).
From there, you just constantly iterate until you have a massive blow-out winner.
That is how you break out of copy limbo – and get results like Austin.
I want to show you how in CopyHour.
The course takes 90 days to complete.
- You get a short email every day with a lesson and a piece of copy.
- Then you set aside up to 1 hour to handwrite that copy to make the lesson stick.
- And you repeat for 90 days straight.
It feels a bit weird at first – but sticking with it for 90 days will hard-wire copy fundamentals so when you sit down to write they come out as naturally to you as speaking a language. This is why CopyHour has so many massive success stories like Austin’s.
The cart for CopyHour closes this Sunday at 11:59PM PT and won’t be re-opening until later this year, so if you know you need this for your own career or business, I recommend you join now.
And there’s no risk to you – if you find it isn’t the right match for you, send my team one email within the first 30 days and we’ll send you a refund.
Imagine being able to sit down and hammer out sales letters that generate six and seven figures, either for your own business or for others.
That’s how you create true freedom for yourself.
>>> Train yourself to write six & seven figure sales copy in the next 90 days
I hope to see you inside before Sunday!
— Derek