4 reasons why you shouldn’t worry about AI

One of the most common questions I hear from prospective CopyHour students is, "Is it even worth still learning copywriting with AI being able to write so well already?"

My answer: absolutely… for 4 reasons.

Reason #1: AI in its current form sucks for valuable (long-form) copy.

Listen, I love technology. And I think the progress we’ve made with AI in such a short amount of time is astounding. "Astounding" doesn’t even cover it… I think it’s almost unreal and I’m a heavy user myself already.

It’s real-life sci-fi and we’re getting to see it unfold in real time.

With that said… in its current form, AI mostly sucks when it comes to writing copy.

It’s done an amazing job of helping with (not replacing) shorter, lower-value copy.

And for market research? It’s a game changer.

You’re wasting valuable time and resources if you’re not already using it for that purpose in your copywriting.

But when it comes to longer, more valuable copy? Things like long-form letters, emails, video scripts, and so on? The stuff that *actually* generates money for a business?

It’s still a long ways off.

And that, for the foreseeable future, is still strictly the domain of human writers.

However, it’d be silly to say it won’t ever catch up (or surpass) most human writers. It’s on that trajectory now. Which leads me to…

Reason #2: When AI gets better, it will still need humans to guide it.

When AI writes something, it doesn’t know if what it wrote is actually a hit or not.

A human who deeply knows and understands persuasion & marketing is going to have to look over all of its output and make modifications to it as necessary. (And, yes, modifications will be necessary… frequently.)

Back in the 1960s, researchers were looking at the productivity improvements computers were about to bring – and sounded the alarm because it looked like humans were soon going to only be working 2 hours a day with the same output.

What would we do with all that free time!? What will happen to the economy!?

Obviously that’s not what happened. Instead of working less, we just started outputting a lot more in the same amount of time.

I have a feeling we’re going through a similar cycle now.

AI is about to replace a lot of the work we’re doing now – not just copywriting, but everything. But, instead of not working, we’re likely just all going to start outputting 10x-100x what we used to because of those advances in AI.

And when it comes to copywriting, anyone who deeply understands persuasion & marketing is going to cash in big – because your skills are going to be just as valuable, if not more so because you’re going to be able to multiply them with AI.

Which all leads to my third point…

Reason #3: Understanding the fundamentals of selling pays off EVERYWHERE in your life.

"Copywriting" is a little bit of a misnomer.

Really "copywriting" is just marketing, but written out on paper. And marketing applies to literally everything you’re going to do in the future – whether AI is running the show or not.

Do you want to make more money? You need to be able to sell yourself and confidently ask for higher rates. AI isn’t going to magically do that for you.

Do you want to start your own business? You need to understand why humans buy things, what products they’re looking for, which mechanisms make them comfortable to buy… and so on.

AI will be able to give you ideas, but you need to be able to identify those things yourself and know what you want to commit your time and money toward.

Which all leads to my final point…

Reason #4: It’s an easy gamble to take.

Listen, CopyHour is only $497 – and the point of it is to rapidly hard-wire copy fundamentals into your brain in the next 90 days.

You will make a lot more than the $497 (and the cost of those 90 days of your time) if you apply it. You’ll get multiples of that money back, in fact. Many, many, many multiples most likely.

Now let’s say we enter a future where copywriters are irrelevant. Totally, 100% irrelevant. Not likely, but let’s say it happens.

And let’s say it happens in only 3 years (again, not likely, but I’m painting a worst case scenario here).

Having spent just 90 days of your time to hard-wire the fundamentals of copywriting will be a blip on the radar. That’s nothing to commit to a skill you end up not being able to use again.

But let’s say instead we enter a much more likely future where copywriters are still relevant – and instead of being replaced by AI, you work hand-in-hand with AI and it just makes you a 100x more productive copywriter.

Well, now that 90 days was probably the best investment you ever made in yourself.

What I’m getting at is – the investment to get great at copy now pays off far more than you’d lose in the potential "absolute worst case horror sci-fi" future. You barely lose any time or energy, but you end up with a skill that will pay off for a lifetime – likely very very very handsomely over that lifetime.

So, my recommendation… make the investment in yourself.

>>> Train yourself to write six and seven figure copy in the next 90 days


— Derek