Add this negative email to your sequences & watch positive results pour in

During my last launch of CopyHour, I sent a “negative” email that most people would be too afraid to send (but I made a whole bunch of extra money in the process).

The email was “The Case Against CopyHour”.

What inspired me to write this email was something Daniel Throssell said about CopyHour to one of my affiliates John Bejakovic:

“I get the feeling one of the big objections to a program like CopyHour is the massive time & work commitment it entails, and buyers will (justifiably or not) use that as a reason to excuse themselves from the promo.”

I bring this up because I want to talk quickly about Objections.

Objections in copywriting are simply any reason a prospect might give for not buying your product.

Things like:

– It’s too much work.
– It’s ugly.
– I have THIS problem preventing me from using the product.
– It doesn’t have THIS feature I think I need.
– I’ve heard about this ingredient before & it doesn’t work for me.

Most people are too scared to use Objections in their copy because it’s hard to know if you’re just bringing an issue to light that your prospects weren’t thinking about in the first place.

And actually, I think this is a valid concern for most copywriters just starting out.

You’re better off starting a sales message focused on the promise and the big benefit your prospects desire.

Raising an Objection immediately, like in the headline of an ad or sales page, is best reserved for when you’re trying to grab attention in a crowded space where your promise will be glossed over.

So where then might you raise Objections?

One of the easiest, low-pressure places is in your email sequences.

An email riffing on a big Objection your prospects might have during a launch is a perfect use case.

Now, before you send an Objection handling email, you first need to determine whether or not an Objection exists.

The drop-dead simplest way to know whether an Objection exists is to simply see it written out somewhere.

Did a prospect email in with the question or Objection? Did someone call it out somewhere on social media or a forum?

If one prospect emails about it, chances are there others thinking it.

But… sometimes prospects might be too afraid to email about it because it might make them look bad. People don’t want to be perceived as being “lazy”, so they might not ask a question about time commitment (hence you might need to read between the lines or find someone calling it out like Throssell).

Once you’ve established that there is an Objection out there, send an email about it.

If you do it right, I can practically guarantee you’ll watch your inbox happily as sales, trust and engagement shoot through the roof.

Tomorrow I’ll show you the exact formula I used for my Objection handling email so stay tuned!

– Derek