Can’t break the glass ceiling? (inner programming)

Thanks for expressing your interest in freelance copywriting and Ning Li’s special "Retirement Sale". From now until Friday, October 18th you can get Ning’s flagship course, "Zero to $5K" for 50% off. Click here to read the sales page (the discount has been automatically applied).

Here’s an email written by Ning about the program…

****If you’ve read 5+ marketing and copywriting books, taken more courses than you can remember, and still haven’t landed your first copywriting client, there’s something you need to know.

It’s the difference between new copywriters that take off like a rocket, and the ones that take 3 years to get things going for them.

Here’s what I mean.

I’m a Marvel fan, and I go to every superhero movie they put out.

I cried my eyes out watching Avengers Endgame when Tony did the snap.

And I feel like a kid in Disneyland now that they’re releasing shows related to the cinematic universe, and making moar and moar haha.

My favorite character is Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man.

In Iron Man 3 (don’t @ me, I know it’s not top-notch), Tony has multiple panic attacks.

Every time someone reminds him of a previous battle he had with the Avengers, he starts to breathe quickly, his vision becomes blurry, he can’t listen anymore, and he has to run away.

As much as he thinks about stopping that reaction, it’s buried so deep within, he can’t control it when it comes up.

Those same mindset blocks keep new copywriters stuck.

Their inner programming refuses to let them go past that learning stage.

It runs so deep, that no amount of work can get them past that.

Because it’s ingrained in their identity.

The truth is, it’s your subconscious mind that’s responsible for the glass ceiling.

So no matter how hard you hit it (AKA work harder and more hours), it’s not going to break.

How do you make the mental glass ceiling go away?

I’ve created unique mindset visualizations that program your brain for success.

Right now, there’s a program running inside your subconscious that’s keeping you from getting your first client, and launching your copywriting career.

By doing these visualizations, you can change that programming, and free yourself to stop the self-sabotage that you’re going through.

Here’s how I can help you break through that glass ceiling.

I’ve seen copywriters who’ve made millions for their clients, who are legends in their own right, throw all their success away because, on the inside, they don’t see themselves as deserving of a money-filled life.

They thought if they worked hard enough, and got enough skills, things would fall in place.

What they never saw was that, as their income went up, their self-sabotage would go up with it, making things even worse.

It’s better to set yourself up for success from the beginning.

So that, when you get to 10K and 15K months (they’re close, I can assure you), you can enjoy them for real.

Stop your own self-sabotage.

-Ning out

P.S. Once you remove the mental glass ceiling, any improvement you do on your skills for writing copy and getting clients you will see immediately.

Income leaps become the norm, instead of wishful thinking.

I’ll make sure you improve on those as well.

Get the full scoop here.****