[Closes in 3hrs] The first time is always magical

I still remember my first time…

Creating an Email Delivered Course.

It was CopyHour over 12 years ago and there was a unique energy to that first group that is a little hard to describe.

The energy partly comes from what I’ll show you how to do in Email Delivered Courses and that’s getting live feedback and building the course alongside your first and most eager customers.

And it partly flows from YOU being excited about creating content (maybe for the first time ever) that will genuinely help people.

[Don’t get me wrong – any time is a good time to build an Email Delivered Course and your customers will love it no matter when they get it. But if you want my closest attention, this is the launch to participate in.]

Most courses suck only because they aren’t built in a fun and engaging way. You get shotgunned with too much information and you never actually internalize what you learn.

It will feel a little weird at first to get bite-sized lessons from me.

But when you start seeing the results and feeling never-before-felt clarity in your business in just a few short weeks, you’ll thank me forever (hopefully with more of your business down the line).

Now, something really sad is about to happen in just 3 hours.

People who have already bought Email Delivered Courses will get to continue this discussion with me and start to build their own ultra-simple, ultra-profitable digital course delivered through email.

Everyone else will not – and they’ll move on to my other helpful and free solopreneur-related emails. Which of course isn’t a bad thing.

But I will mention that one cool bonus customers of Email Delivered Courses will receive is a breakdown of the pre-sell sequence of emails I sent for this course, and also the launch sequence.

A few customers have said it felt like I was reading their mind with the sales copy.

Writing like that is actually a very simple process when you’re launching an Email Delivered Course using my method. I’ll show it all to anyone who joins the course before midnight Pacific Time tonight.

Let me wrap this up:

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to be building an Email Delivered Course live – that walks you through how to build Email Delivered Courses from scratch in 30-45 days that you can then sell forever.

(So meta, I know.)

If you’d like to join this first group who’s going to see it all unfurl live then make your move quickly. Trust me, seeing how it works just once will make it all "click".

I guarantee it’ll be worth 100x-1,000x what you’ll pay to learn it and even more than that – I guarantee it will reduce some stress in your life. Plus, it’ll be FUN to take this course alongside some other incredible entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and "hungry rookies".

Like I said yesterday, you can make this purchase now without sweating. This is a no-risk, high-upside decision. If at any moment you feel like I didn’t deliver on my promises, shoot me a single email within the first 30 days of the course and get all your money back.

If this is something you need, I want it to be a complete no-brainer for you.

The cart closes tonight at 11:59PM PDT.

And when it re-opens in the future, it’ll cost about 2x as much.

So I recommend you join right now, go through the course, start building your own Email Delivered Course following my instructions, then decide if it’s the right match for you.

>>> Learn the fastest, easiest way to create digital courses customers love

Go now!

— Derek