How I found an email list to buy

This week we’re going over why and how I’m "buying" Ning Li’s copywriting coaching & courses business.

Ning is/was one of the biggest and best copywriting coaches in the business. So when he announced his retirement and said that he was going to simply delete all of this copywriting courses and email list I reached out asking how I could help.

I’m going to take over his business and in this series of emails I’m showing you some of the behind-the-scenes of what that looks like.

My hope is that you get some out-of-the-box ideas for list building, marketing strategies or find some inspiration to get out there and put together win-win business deals.

Email List-Buying Lesson #2: Risk-Free Deals Are Out There

I reckon it’s normally a little financially risky to buy an email list when it’s in a space like our’s – where Ning is a "niche celebrity".

People who subscribe to Ning’s list are subscribed because they love Ning.

The business asset – the email list – is really most valuable to the person who built the list.

So in this case, it really only made sense for me to "buy" Ning’s business if I didn’t need to front a lot, or any, cash.

And, that kind of deal can really only be struck when you’ve built relationships with people, or if you have a willing partner.

In this case, Ning is both of those.

We’re friends who have dinner here in SD occasionally and he was going to straight up delete his business, products and email list and move on… so any type of deal is a bonus.

And frankly, the reason any of this makes sense is because Ning is making so much damn money writing copy for Paleohacks and his other ventures, that keeping the coaching business alive was costing him much more in opportunity cost (these are all things he would tell you).

The reason I’m putting "buy" in quotes is because the deal is working like this:

  • We’re going to run a Ning’s Retirement Sale on his flagship course, "Zero to 5k" (which by the way, is a phenomenal product that I’m stoked to keep running it in Ning’s place)
  • Ning will take the much bigger percentage of all sales.
  • Ning doesn’t have to do anything – we run the sale for him.
  • That’s it.

    If this all sounds overly simplistic, you’re right, it is. My 2024 mantra has unintentionally been KISS (keep it simple stupid).

    If it sounds like a bad deal for Ning consider the alternative. We’re not talking about a multi-million dollar deal here. And Ning was a few days away from deleting everything he owned (because, again, it was costing him money and mental energy to run the business).

    Long-story short – the longer you get into business and stay in business, the more win-win deals like this will come across your desk. I’ve been on Ning’s side of this transaction before myself. I know that keeping something going, even if it’s technically profitable on paper, can cost you more than focusing on the thing that’s working (like Ning’s freelancing income raising up towards $1 million per year).

    I’ll end the lesson here. I guess my point is – deals exist. Go meet people and they’ll eventually find you.

    We’ll get into some more of my plans with the email list tomorrow.

    Talk then!

    – Derek

    P.S. Starting tomorrow I’m going to run a "Ning’s Retirement Sale" to his email list and to anyone on my list (you) who is interested in freelance copywriting and getting clients, specifically.

Ning has sold over $50 million as a freelance copywriter and he’s worked his way up to copy chief at Paleohacks lightening fast. He’s also coached over 400 freelance copywriters and understands exactly where they trip themselves up (and how to overcome those obstacles and get clients & paying jobs quickly). In other words, if you want to know how to do freelance copywriting right, Ning is exactly who you need to listen to.

I’m making Ning’s most popular course, "Zero to $5k", available to purchase for the final time (maybe ever). "Zero to $5k" helps you write converting copy, get clients, and clear all mindset issues that might be holding you back.

  1. If you would like to receive details on "Ning’s Retirement Sale" – if you’re a freelancer or consultant – follow the link below.
  2. This link will tag you as interested in freelance copywriting or consulting.
  3. After you click, you’ll get to read my short story about Ning and how he used CopyHour several years ago.
  4. You’ll get an email tomorrow about the sale.

    >>> WAIT! Only click this link if you’re interested in freelance copywriting or consulting

    If you’re NOT interested in freelancing, don’t click the link. Just sit back and gather some insights this week on buying and selling businesses and email lists.