How I’ve made my biggest income leaps

This week I’ll cover a topic that’s slightly different – I’m going to talk about how to raise your personal income.

What makes this different is that I won’t be showing you how to boost a business’ revenue. I’ll write about how to make YOU more valuable to a business – whether that’s a client’s business or your own solopreneur venture. And again, I want to stress that we’ll talk about what skills you need to build to raise your personal profits – not just revenue numbers.

You’ll see that there are very specific skills, applied in a simple yet counterintuitive way, that will boost the value you bring to a business and help you personally bring home more, faster.

But first, a quick story:

I used to work with a client that regularly drove me up the wall.

I won’t get too specific for obvious reasons but I came into a sort of partnership with a creative who sold an online course (this was about a decade ago).

In the beginning, and because we were partnered up, I saw his business as a way that I could boost my income (and his too, of course). If I helped him sell more of his courses, I made more.

However, this client seemed to fight me every step of the way – introducing roadblocks in new and creative ways.

For example, we were very early to Facebook ads back then and I was able to create a webinar sales campaign that saw quality 2-5 cent clicks (that’s insanely cheap). We’d get a couple hundred email opt-ins for about $100. Then, on the webinar we’d close about 20 people and make ~$750.

We did this week after week – all the while I was pleading to spend more money and drive more traffic. The client just couldn’t let himself do it.

We upped spend to $200 one week, and only made $1000. "Why didn’t we double sales!?" was his response.

This client ended up being the ultimate nail in my client-work-coffin. I decided to quit altogether and focus full time on my own courses (CopyHour was already in motion by that point).

With no clients, I thought I’d take a major hit in the income department, but it didn’t turn out that way. The following year ended up being my best to that point.

Now, it won’t be clear to you at the moment, but the story above perfectly illustrates all the components of what it takes to boost your personal income.

  • There are highly specific skills that you can/should build if you want to make more than your peers.
  • There are certain business problems that you can/should focus on that drive the fastest returns on the value you bring to the table.
  • There are common roadblocks (easily diagnosed) that you must eliminate in order to grow.
  • And there’s a particular way to go "all-in" that makes scaling things up nearly risk-free.

    I don’t intend for this to sound too good to be true and you should know that I’m not selling anything in this series of emails.

I was sitting down recently thinking about the times that I’ve made the biggest leaps forward in my income… and the method and way of thinking I’ll explain to you this week just kinda came pouring out of me.

I even spun up a fancy little acronym: the PSRB Method.

It doesn’t matter if you currently work for someone, if you’re a freelancer or if you’re a solopreneur with a business reaching towards 7 figures. The PSRB Method is how I’ve seen copywriters and solopreneurs make their biggest jumps forward.

And I want to show you how it all works, step-by-step.

We’ll start tomorrow by talking about the "PS" part of the method.

Talk then!

– Derek