How to get hired when 50 other copywriters apply

Thanks for expressing your interest in freelance copywriting and Ning Li’s special "Retirement Sale". From now until Friday, October 18th you can get Ning’s flagship course, "Zero to $5K" for 50% off. Click here to read the sales page (the discount has been automatically applied).

Here’s an email written by Ning about the program…


Ever look at a copywriting job post and see 50 other replies?

Great! I’m competing against 50 other copywriters who are all smarter, more experienced, and have a better track record than me. How the heck am I supposed to win?

Yes, I know it can seem hopeless.

But fear not, young grasshopper.

Jedi Ning is here with the answer.

Starting around 2019, the copywriting job market became incredibly saturated.

Copywriting has spread to nearly every corner of the world as a way to make a lot of money online…

As a result, we have a LOT of copywriters floating around, competing for jobs.

If you want to WIN these jobs, get paid, and actually make a name for yourself in the copywriting world, here’s what you have to understand:

You’re competing against people who are being coached by the best.

It’s like you’re fighting in a boxing fight.

You have no one in your corner – it’s just you…

While your opponent has Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali whispering in their ear, telling them exactly what punches to throw.

Not to make it sound even MORE hopeless…

But you have no shot, because it’s not a fair fight.

This is literally what happened between 2020 and 2022, when Copy Accelerator (a big mastermind) put on "copywriting competitions" to win jobs with certain companies.

There would be a sales letter project.

And 20 different writers would write the sales letter.

Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi would review all the submissions at the end, and the top 2 writers would get paid and would get a spot to write for those companies.

They ran several competitions.

And out of the first 8 winning copywriters, 6 of them were students I had coached.

It wasn’t fair.

Because I would tell the students exactly what to write, including:

What their mechanism should be…

What their big idea and headline should be…

What mistakes they made…

I would even edit their copy in front of them to make the sentences better.

How the heck are copywriters WITHOUT coaches supposed to compete with that?

As a result of all this, those 6 copywriters went on to have successful careers making a lotta dough.

Jon Fisher was one of these writers – he went on to write for Agora and Dig In.

Luke Mills was another writer – nowadays, I believe he still writes personally for Stefan Georgi.

Roman Mayer was another writer – I believe he’s still writing and managing media buying for several companies nowadays.

It became an underground trade secret at Copy Accelerator…

If you want to win jobs, get coached by Ning.

It became such a strong trend that in 2021, Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi asked me to become Copy Accelerator’s first "1-on-1 copywriting coach."

The moral of this whole story is this…

If you want to compete in today’s copywriting market, you need me – or else you’re playing at a severe handicap.

I’m not ashamed to say it…

I believe I’m the best copywriting coach around today.

I’ve coached more writers (over 400) than anyone else.

I’ve been coaching for 6+ years.

And the copywriters I’ve coached have gone on to more success and have had long, profitable careers.

The last time I ran Zero to $5K, I helped several copywriters land their first paychecks.

**How did they do it?

I showed them stuff like exactly how to communicate with potential clients.

Whether it was email, Upwork message, Facebook DM, or LinkedIn…

HOW you communicate with your potential clients is crucial.

You MUST demonstrate credibility, authority, and competence (even if you have no experience, there are ways to do this).

You must NOT act like a "job applicant" – this will make you blend in with the sea of other copywriters.

And most of all – you must STAND OUT.

In my Zero to $5K coaching program, that’s exactly what I show you how to do.

It’s designed to take you from zero to $5,000+ FAST – 8 weeks or less.

By writing just one simple email per day.

After that, you can keep moving up to $10,000 months, $15,000 or even $20,000 and up like many of my prior students.

It’s your choice.

If you get in by Friday (October 18th), you can escape your "prison job" and attain the freedom of the laptop lifestyle in just weeks from now.

Alongside the Zero to $5K course, here’s what you’re getting:

Lifetime Access to my Master Training Library – There are hundreds of recordings of me coaching copywriters on marketing, client strategy, and mindset. The more you listen to me talk about this stuff, the more you tend to make. It’s all organized, categorized, and inside my master training library.

Mindset Trainings – Got a mindset block like perfectionism, imposter syndrome, "I’m so under-qualified compared to everybody else", or "I don’t know if I can do this"? Fix with a 15-minute visualization. They’re so powerful and effective, many copywriters solve their procrastination, writer’s block, imposter’s syndrome and more.

You Also Get:

A massive library full of all the templates and resources you would ever need to write high-level, winning copy…

Including done-for-you templates for writing copy…

Applying for copywriting jobs…

Scripts for closing clients on Zoom…


They’re SUPER easy to use – all you need to do is copy-and-paste, change a few words to match your style, and boom: you’re set.

These templates work.

They’re not the generic templates you may have seen in other programs.

They’ve helped hundreds of copywriters launch their careers.

For students who’ve worked with me, my courses are what finally works for them.

If you’ve poured money and time into other copywriting training in the past with nothing to show for it…

Or are a complete beginner with no idea where to start…

Then you’re in the right place.

After 8+ years of coaching hundreds of copywriters, I’ve seen over and over what works for them.. and what gets them stuck.

That’s why I have hundreds of success stories (my google drive has so many folders full of them that it’s become an entire project for my team to organize them now hahaha)

I’ll give you a few more examples before I take off for an afternoon surf:

  • John Sawicki, who went from charging just 2-3K a project to hitting a $30K/month

  • Jonathan Fisher (mentioned above), who went from charging pennies on Upwork to landing $7,500 financial promos

  • Tiana Asperjan, who went from BROKE to making consistent $17K months in under 5 months

  • Federick G., who landed a $2,500 client, increased his email rates by a whopping 333.2%, and closed a deal with Success Magazine (one of the leading self-development companies in the world) in just 8 weeks

  • Jason Watson, who went from $8,000 / month to $18,000 / month in just a few weeks of working with me. Jason actually said that I left him "disappointed." Why? Because he expected me to share strategies that required more work from him. Instead, I showed him how to more than double his income by working way less (that’s perhaps the best complaint I’ve ever gotten as a coach hahaha!)

  • Joshua Copeland, who went from working with low-paying nightmare clients to landing a retainer with Clickfunnels, deals with Tony Robbins – and other big name clients

  • Joel Boomer, who came to me as a total beginner but now works with some of the top financial publishers in the industry

  • Eric Panter, who TRIPLED his income after working with me

  • Andy Mukolo, who rose to become one of Nigeria’s top copywriters after coaching with me

  • Luke Sipka, who landed a job with one of the top music education businesses after just 2 months of working with me

I believe Zero to $5K is the fastest path to skyrocket your copywriting career – and give you an unfair advantage over the competition.

Every time I’ve promoted this Zero to $5K program…

Copywriters write back SHOCKED at how much they learn and level up.

They’re shocked at how much they suddenly make every month.

(Watch the video testimonials on the sales page if you don’t believe me… there are pages and pages of testimonials I don’t even have space for, what you see is just a fraction of them.)

Friday is the LAST day to get in.

Doors will close at midnight PST.

In Zero to $5K I’m doing something special.

I’m going to be TEACHING you the #1 skill I believe a copywriter needs currently in the market today.

And that’s writing killer copywriting hooks.

I’m convinced this is the core of strong salesmanship.

And if you master this skill, the world is your oyster.

  • If you’re a copywriter, you’ll be able to generate winning emails, sales letters, and ads on command. You’ll become an in demand, sought after prize that business owners fight over, and pay mind-boggling amounts of money to. You’ll never have to ride the "freelance copywriter rollercoaster" of cold emailing again

  • If you’re a business owner who writes copy or hires copywriters, you’ll "see the matrix" and be able to tell which promos will win and which won’t. As a result, your profits will double, triple, or more.

  • If you’re an email list manager, you’ll be able to write controls that beat your standard emails by 2X or 3X. Your list will churn out more than you think is possible (I know because the writing team I manage at PaleoHacks has been beating controls on the #1 email network in the world again and again)

  • If you’re a beginner copywriter with zero experience, you’re going to get a HUGE leg up that lets you land jobs again and again, even if you’re starting with zero experience

That’s why you’ll get a full master class on copywriting hooks during these 8 weeks.

Would you like to join us?

>>> Click here to enroll in Zero to 5K now

I just want to give you another heads up, however…

Enrollment will END tomorrow at midnight PST.

If you’re interested at all…

I highly recommend you take action FAST.

If you’re ready for your leap of faith…

Let me give you the wings to fly.

Click the link below to join Zero to 5K today – and I’ll see you inside.

>>> Click here to take your leap of faith and launch your copywriting career today

Yours in aggressively chasing (and ACHIEVING) lofty goals,


P.S. I’ve also added a payment plan option for those that need it.

Looking forward to you joining us!****