How to start building towards 100 leads per day (part 4)

Wild things start to happen to a business when you begin growing towards 100 leads per day.

Everything "feels" easier and plateaus in revenue seem to melt away.

I’ve noticed the shift dozens of times with my business, businesses I’ve worked with, my friends’ businesses and students’ businesses in all different kinds of industries like organic skin care, yoga instruction, acting career advice, guitar instruction, decluttering, email copywriting services and on and on.

Your product launches become almost effortless – $20k, $30k, $80k, $100k+ are all numbers I’ve seen lately (with $100k+ launches coming on programs I built a decade ago).

"Big" affiliates start to seek you out and ask to promote your product.

Opportunities and partnerships seem to fall into your lap and saying "no" to things becomes the biggest issue versus, "I don’t know what I should do next!?"

There’s a complete energy shift in a business when 100+ new fresh faces join your email list each day.

Here are some numbers to hammer in the point:

  • Say you get 100 leads per day.
  • 1% of those leads buy a product from you so you get 30 customers per month.
  • Let’s say those 30 customers spend an average of $297 (lifetime value) with you.
  • That right there is a 6 figure business: $297 x 30 days = $8910 per month or $106,920 per year.

    These numbers, of course, aren’t perfect, conversion rates & prices are higher or lower and leads unsubscribe.

    But getting a total of 360 new customers per year (30 x 12) who spend $297 with you is completely lowballing what actually happens when you start generating 100 leads per day. Things actually begin to grow geometrically as famous consultant Jay Abraham would say.

    Ian Stanley, who I’m talking with today at 12 noon Pacific (registration link), has built up over 100 leads per day in 4 different businesses reaching 7 figures in all of them. These businesses were in industries like water filtration, gardening and credit repair.

I showed you his current business and landing page that’s generating 100-200 leads per day and his revenue is up over $2 million per year.

But let’s take a step back.

We need to start at the beginning – no one just immediately hops into generating 100 leads per day.

The best strategy is to start with 1 or 2 per day, then go for 5 to 10 leads before making bigger leaps up to 50, 75 and then 100.

The Fastest Way To Build Towards 100 Leads Per Day

Yesterday I showed you this image of the funnel you need to build to start generating leads:

There are two types of traffic: paid traffic and organic traffic.

If you want to grow the fastest, and if I were starting over from zero, I’d use paid ads as my traffic source. Specifically, I’d use Ian Stanley’s List Snowball method for one very important reason I’ll get to in a moment.

Paid traffic (aka ads), when done right, has 3 main advantages:

Advantage 1: It’s fast.

With organic traffic you need to build and wait. It’s an inbound strategy of "build it and they will come."

Paid ads let you turn on the traffic spigot to full blast immediately if you’d like. How much traffic you can drive to your website is only limited by your budget and the size of the audience you’d like to attract.

Advantage 2: It lets you TEST quickly.

When I was first getting started with online business ~15 years ago, I’d buy a small amount of traffic ($100 worth) on Google Search and send it to a landing page. I’d see how many people visited and how many people subscribed to my email list.

The numbers are different today, and traffic was cheaper back then, but if I got a conversion rate of over 10%, I knew I had a decent idea. That’s how I found the James Bond ebook idea as I mentioned earlier on Monday.

This testing process is simply not an option on organic traffic. It takes too long to let traffic come to you if you’re starting from zero.

Advantage 3: Paid traffic is a consistent traffic source and you’re mostly in control.

I’ve been running CopyHour for 12 years so at this point, this business only needs affiliate and word of mouth traffic. But, and I’ll be honest, affiliates can be frustrating to work with. Even though I know if an affiliate puts in a tiny bit of effort and sends emails and traffic to my sales pages, they’ll make $30k, $40k, or even $70k (as Justin Goff did this year)… it can still be hard to motivate people to just send.

With paid traffic you have more control. You’re not relying on other people to send you traffic – it can be harder to find the right audiences, but when you do, you can scale up as fast as your budget allows.

Now, here’s where most people screw it up when it comes to paid traffic… and this is why a lot of people try it and then swear it off, saying "it doesn’t work well for me".

You need a deeper strategy than this:

Ad > Send traffic to a sales page


Ad > Send traffic to a landing page (to gather an email address).

We need to fill in our image:

To Build A List Towards 100 Leads Per Day, You Need A $7 Offer

The mistake most people make with lead generation is that they don’t have a "low-ticket" $7 Offer that they sell immediately after someone joins their email list.

A $7 Offer lets you:

  1. Start making immediate sales. The best type of email list is a customer email list (versus a free email list). Someone who buys something inexpensive from you is more likely to buy a higher-priced product later. By offering a $7 product, you create a low-ticket front-end item that allows you to start building a customer list.

  2. Start recouping ad spend on day zero, or essentially "build a list for free." If you could spend $1 and make $2, would you do it? Of course you would. How about spending $1 and making $1? That’s actually a dream scenario for most people who buy traffic. Why? Because of point #1 above: if you can break even on your ad spend while building a list full of customers, you’ll win in the long run. You can sell additional products to those customers later.

  3. Takes the pressure off creating a big product. If you don’t currently have a product, starting with something small and charging just $7 allows you to test the waters. You’ll feel more confident about charging a low amount, and you can ensure that you can deliver on the value you’re promising.

    There are two types of $7 Offers that I recommend you build if you’re going to use Ian’s List Snowball method:

  4. A package of templates.

  5. A short "how-to" report or training.

    You can put your templates or report into a PDF or make a video training. Whichever works best for you.

    Now, one additional benefit of creating a $7 Offer to use in a paid traffic funnel is that you can take one of your templates from the package, and give it away for free on your landing page that gets people to subscribe to your email list.

    It looks like this:

Ad > Landing Page Opt-In for a free template > $7 Offer sales page for a bigger package of templates.

This still might be a little fuzzy for you, especially if you’re a visual learner like me.

That’s why I think you should join the webinar I’m co-hosting with Ian Stanley in just about an hour – 12noon Pacific.

Ian and I are going to discuss "How to Grow Your Email List with the ‘List Snowball’ Method".

>>> Register right now here

A recording will be sent to anyone who signs up, so if you’re even just slightly curious about how to build an email list, I think you should register now.

During the call, I’ll explain the two bonuses I’ll be giving to anyone who joins Ian’s List Snowball Method course through my affiliate link.

It’s not required that you join his course to get value from the webinar – if you’ve been to any of Ian’s or my webinars, you know they’re non-traditional and have like 5% selling at the end. If you’re not comfortable with that, then no sweat. Just dip out when the time comes.

Okay, tomorrow I’m going to continue talking about "how to build email lists" and giving away as much value as I can regardless of whether or not you buy anything!

Talk to you soon!

– Derek