How to turn “maybe” into “here’s my credit card” (over-the-shoulder walkthrough)

Listen, humans are weird.

We can know that something is perfect for us… and exactly what we need… and exactly what will solve all our problems… but we’ll sit on it for months or even years, hemming and hawing, wondering if we should really spend our money on it.

You’ve done it. I’ve done it.

There are a lot of reasons. Most are silly and irrational. But… that’s just how we humans are.

The fourth (and final) element of The 7 Figure Sales Writing Framework is where you fix all these things: The Close.

By the time you’ve reached The Close in your sales letter, your customers should already be convinced you have exactly what they need. Now you just need to remove any lingering hesitations they’ve got – and inspire them to act right now.

You do that by simply:

  1. Stating the price
  2. Providing a guarantee
  3. Describing step by step what the reader has to do to buy.
  4. And sprinkling in a few elements that emotionally make them realize they need to act right now

Here’s what that means.

First state the price. A common rookie mistake most new copywriters & struggling entrepreneurs make is feeling guilty when they state the price of their product.

They assume people are going to be offended when they state what the price is.

So they dance around it for multiple paragraphs.

Don’t do that.

Just state the price confidently.

But also explain why the price is actually a steal.

For the sake of argument, I’ll make our (fake) course The 5 Day Workday a higher ticket one: $997.

Here’s how I’d do this:

The 5 Day Workday will 5x-10x your output, have you doing the best work of your life, and leave you recharged every day – more than you ever have been before.
It’s made for solo entrepreneurs who have a lot on the line. Even a 2x increase in your output could be worth $10,000s or $100,000s per year to you.
And that’s why it was a steal when I taught it in private workshops for $5,000.
The average attendee had an ROI of 10x-100x.
If you’re serious about your business, that’s a no-brainer investment. Anyone would take that.
And that’s why this self-directed version of the course is also a no-brainer at only $997.
Then provide a guarantee.
The better your guarantee, the more sales you’ll make. It’s that simple.

  • Don’t punish your customers for buying.
  • Don’t put all kinds of restrictions on the guarantee.
  • Don’t be skimpy with the guarantee.

    If you make it easy to invest in your course, and make a bold promise that reassures your audience that you will follow through on giving them exactly what they’re looking for, more people will give your product a shot – and I promise you won’t be flooded with freeloaders who rip you off.

    In fact you’ll be delighted to discover most people are honest, and that the few cheapskates aren’t worth your time and energy.

    Here’s how I’d state our guarantee:

    If $997 is too much for you, that’s fine. This course isn’t for everyone.
    But if you’re a serious entrepreneur with a real business, I guarantee this course will at least double your revenue in the next 12 months. You will experience a minimum of a 10x return on your investment.
    Which means you’ll make back your $997 in the first 30 days, if not more.
    And if you don’t, or if you just don’t think the course lives up to my promises, shoot my team one email any time in those first 30 days and we’ll refund your purchase price, no questions asked and no "proof" necessary.
    If the course isn’t right for you, that’s on us.
    We want this to be a no-brainer for you.
    Then sprinkle in a few elements that make them realize they need to act right now – or they’ll miss out in some way.
    What we’ve done so far is good.

    But even with the perfect offer and a rock-solid guarantee and a perfect price, most people will still hem and haw and avoid taking action. Again, we humans are weird.

    So adding in an ethical "expiring" element or two will do wonders to get your audience to act now – and not put it off until later.

    Note that I emphasized ethical. Don’t lie to your customers. When people discover you were lying, even little lies, it shatters your relationship with them. Not worth it.

    My favorite ethical ways to create scarcity are:

  1. A temporary discount of some kind
  2. A bonus that goes away soon
  3. Or limited windows of time to buy.

    3 is my personal favorite because it means you don’t have to reduce prices or throw in extravagant bonuses – and it also creates an ideal business structure that has "slow periods" (where you can actually relax) baked into it.

    So for The 5 Day Workday, we’d say something like:

    But you want to act right now because the course will only be open until next Monday. After that, the cart will be closed until we open again in 6 months – at which point I can’t guarantee the course will be the same price.
    Then describe step by step what the reader has to do to buy.
    File this under "humans are weird" too, but we often need someone to tell us what we already know we need to do.

    In the case of your sales letters, if you don’t explicitly tell people how to actually get access to your product (aka just clicking the "buy now" button), you’ll see conversion rates drop.

    It’s just the way we’re wired. Deal with it.

    So before giving our audience a button to buy, we’ll simply say:

    To get access to The 5 Day Workday, just click the button below. You’ll be taken to a page where you’ll enter your credit card details. Immediately after submitting your purchase, you’ll be taken to our private members area – and can get started immediately.
    I look forward to seeing you inside.
    And voila – you’ve got The Close all wrapped up.
    And in fact you’ve also got a complete sales letter following The 7 Figure Sales Writing Framework. Go through the other emails I sent you this week to see the full thing.

    There are other elements you can include – for example, I highly recommend having a Frequently Asked Questions section at the very end, and an "about the author" section somewhere on the page so people can get to know you – but I wanted to keep this as simple as possible to start.

    What we’ve gone over the last 5 days is all you need.

    Don’t be like the struggling copywriters & entrepreneurs who complicate this process. Keep it ultra-simple until you have a few massive wins.

    And what I’ve just shown you over the last 5 days will give you those massive wins.

    I recommend trying your hand at writing a letter using what I’ve shown you. Take this from "theory" into "action".

    That’s all I’ve got for now. I hope this has been helpful for you.

    Have a great weekend!

– Derek