I’m “buying” a business & email list (behind-the-scenes)

A few weeks ago my good friend Ning Li announced that he was retiring from coaching copywriting & creating courses to focus solely on growing another business he’s involved with, PaleoHacks.

This news sent a bit of a shockwave through the tight-knit copywriting community because Ning is a very well-known and highly-respected coach.

Originally, Ning was just going to delete all of his products and shut down his email list.

But I was like, "Wait a minute Ning! That can’t happen. I have an idea. What if I ‘buy’ your business instead?"

You’ll understand why I’m putting quotes around "buy" very soon.

Now, most people think that buying a business is a very complicated and difficult process.

And in 98% of the cases, that’s a correct assumption.

But I’ve found a different way with online businesses like mine.

I’ve now been on the buying and selling side of business transactions that make it a lot simpler than you might think and less risky (financially) too.

So all this week I’d like to take you behind-the-scenes as I take over Ning’s business and start to integrate it with my own.

I’ll show you how the deal works, my thought process for "buying" the business in the first place and how I’ll get Ning’s email list transferred over to my list.

My hope is that you pull some out-of-the-box ideas from this series of emails.

Quick note on that topic: Remember how last week I was talking about Jay Abraham? I used to listen to a tape of Jay’s where he’d describe "weird" deals or marketing strategies he’d help clients implement – things that the client wouldn’t normally think of themselves. As an example, one time he helped a business rent out a small un-used section of their warehouse to cover rent. This isn’t next-level genius thinking, but the business owner had overlooked the possibility and the advice ended up saving his company.

To kick things off, let me explain the first phase of my plan (this is surface-level stuff – what’s going to happen next).

Starting on Thursday I’m going to run a "Ning’s Retirement Sale" to his email list and to anyone on my list (you) who is interested in freelance copywriting and getting clients, specifically.

If you are more interested in running your own solopreneuer business and learning sales copywriting, then this sale won’t be for you.

I’m going to make Ning’s most popular course, "Zero to $5k", available to purchase for the final time (maybe ever). "Zero to $5k" helps you write converting copy, get clients, and clear all mindset issues that might be holding you back.

Again, this is only for people who want to start a freelance copywriting business.

Here’s the important part:

  1. If you would like to receive details on Ning’s Retirement Sale – if you’re a freelancer or consultant – follow the link below.
  2. This link will tag you as interested in freelance copywriting or consulting.
  3. After you click, you’ll get to read my short story about Ning and how he used CopyHour several years ago.
  4. But nothing will be for sale until Thursday.

>>> WAIT! Only click this link if you’re interested in freelance copywriting or consulting

If you’re NOT interested in freelancing, don’t click the link. Just sit back and gather some insights this week on buying and selling businesses and email lists.

I’ll dive in deeper tomorrow to explain how this deal is going to work.

Talk to you then!

– Derek