What happens when a solopreneur builds an “Email Delivered Course”?

Earlier this year I was emailing back and forth with a student who’s built his business to $500k+/year in revenue relatively quickly.

And $500k revenue is nothing to scoff at in his case (or any case) because he’s a solopreneur with no team and over 90% margins. He creates digital courses (in a non-make-money niche) that he sells through an email list he’s built.

If you haven’t already figured it out – that’s a dream business. It’s low-hassle, low-stress, and it needs very little time input after you create the content for the courses. It’s the definition of freedom in my opinion.

In our email exchange we were talking about CopyHour but then he wrote the following about how he’d created an email delivered course in the style I outlined last week.

I didn’t ask him to write any of the below:

*"I forgot to tell you…the [NICHE TOPIC] course using your daily email format is blowing people’s minds!

No one’s ever done anything like it in [NICHE], that I know of. And the students are so PSYCHED and engaged.

Here’s just a few comments inside:

  • This format is definitely refreshing and engaging.
  • I am really looking forward to the next 30 days. I have already scheduled our daily email and practice time, for first thing each morning and will be excited to get working on making better [NICHE TOPIC] in a more relaxed fashion.
  • Great drills. The course is awesome and well planned
  • I really like the idea of the daily lessons. I find that first thing in the morning, before any distractions start to creep in, works best for me
  • Great drill today. Thanks for setting the course up for us all.
  • Thanks, this is great and also for putting this together. This is exactly what I need to be working on right now. Great drills!

    What’s crazy is it started last week and almost everyone is up to date on assignments and doing the course!

    Only 4 people haven’t started out of 78. Which is massively different than the other courses I’ve sold. As you know a lot of people buy and do nothing.

    But using your email structure idea gets them into it.

    Which is a HUGE win for everyone. Because they will get way better results by actually applying… and I’ll increase the chances of having customers for life.

    Ok I’ll shut up now before you start asking for royalties…"*—

    Again, I didn’t ask him to type up any of this.

    Yet it’s exactly what I’ve been harping on since last week: Building an email delivered course is the best course creation "hack" I know of because it helps you make a course quickly and it creates hyper-responsive mailing lists.

    That’s why I think every business (especially solopreneurs) should have at least one of these email delivered courses in their product lineup.

    To be clear: An email delivered course is a digital course that you create on-demand, one day at a time, over 30-45 days — and send each day’s lesson out over email.

    Email delivered courses have generated multiple seven figures for me over the last decade. They’ve literally changed my life — and made my work as a solopreneur so much easier.

    While the concept is simple, doing it right is more difficult.

    So now, and this should come as no surprise to you, I’d like to teach you how to build your first email delivered course.

I’ve started creating a training program I’m calling, you guessed it… Email Delivered Courses… and I’m going to walk you through the entire process.

In Email Delivered Courses you’ll be able to see how these courses work while you’re learning to build your own. I guarantee watching it all unfold and learning in real-time will be eye opening and inspiring.

If you’ve been wanting to build a course but haven’t been sure if your idea was viable – or if you’ve been struggling with creating a course quickly – then Email Delivered Courses is exactly what you need. It doesn’t matter if this is your first course ever, or your 50th.

I’ve put together a short sales page with all the details that you can find linked below.

Because this is the first time I’ll be teaching the course materials to a group, it’ll be the best (and cheapest) time to join.

I’ll be asking for feedback and input as we go so if you have questions as you start building your first Email Delivered Course, I’ll be able to answer them (essentially) live.

The cart is open for enrollment now and the course will kick off next Monday, August 5th.

If this is something you know you need, I recommend you head over to the sales page and check out all the details now. The sooner you join, the sooner you can start asking your personal questions that I can use to fill in the last bits of the course materials.

Get all the details on Email Delivered Courses here:

>>> Learn the fastest, easiest way to create digital courses customers love — and mailing lists that print money.

– Derek