You’ll actually use this course [1 hour left]

This is the last call and your final reminder that Email Delivered Courses closes in 1 hour at 11:59PM PDT.

(The email barrage will end with this one.)

Let me say this one final thing: Email Delivered Courses will be a course you actually use and implement.

This is not a course you’ll put up on your digital shelf and forget about. Email Delivered Courses are designed specifically to get you to take action.

This is not an overwhelming course. It’ll be fun. And most importantly, you’ll learn more deeply than any other course you’ve ever experienced.

Which means when it comes time to launch your own course, you’ll have an easier and faster path towards a successful launch.

And you don’t even have to decide now – let me prove it to you. Try Email Delivered Courses for 30 days and if it doesn’t do what I say, send me one email and get all your money back.

>>> Learn the fastest, easiest way to create digital courses customers love

The first "welcome email" for the course is going in just a few hours on Monday August 5th.

I genuinely hope to see you inside!

— Derek