[1.5hr warning] It should feel easy – I’ll show you how

There’s just ~1 hour left to join Weekend Launch Party and I wanted to quickly revisit something I said earlier this week: business should be easy at the start.

If you find yourself pushing a rock up a hill trying to launch a business and to find people who want your offer, it’s more likely than not going to be tough sledding the whole way through.

Funding, hiring, and especially scaling… These are traditionally the hard parts of a business.

That’s why newsletters, when you set them up how I’ll show you in the Weekend Launch Party, are the perfect solution. Newsletters make launching a business easy.


If finding your first test market (group of people) and then getting them to subscribe to your newsletter is hard… you simply pivot to a new topic and try again.

If after you start sending out offers and my 30-Second Survey to your subscribers and no one buys anything (which means it’s hard)… you simply adjust the market and try again.

With the Weekend Launch Party you’re never fully invested in anything until you can see a clear and easy path to returns (money). You’re always trying to make the start of the business feel easy.

If it’s not easy, you pivot quickly. And because of how cheap and effective online tools are these days, you’re never risking much money.

To reiterate: the only way to truly hit 6 and then 7 figures as a solopreneur is to ensure that your business feels easy at the start.

If the business is solid, it should feel like you can’t stop growth (subscriber, traffic, views, monetary) even if you tried.

As far as I know the Weekend Launch Party is the only course that shows you a process like this which makes it a must-add to your arsenal if you’re a solopreneur in search of 6 or 7-figures and a business model to follow in 2024.

We close tonight at 11:59pm Pacific so if you know the Weekend Launch Party is something you need, make sure to act now – because this offer will be gone in about 1 hour.

Let’s make this easy! I’ll help you:

>>> Launch a profitable newsletter this weekend.

– Derek