Do this, NOT that

Most people think they need more options from the courses they buy. But all options do is create stress and analysis paralysis.

I’m taking an opposite approach with the Weekend Launch Party. I’m getting rid of nearly every option and you’re just going to follow along with the process.

This includes the possible topics of your newsletter, the type of newsletter, how often and on what day you send the newsletter, which tools to use and then how & when you decide to monetize.

There are always "but what if…" questions to which I’ll be replying, "Nope. Do it this way to start."

  • You’ll be using one specific tool to send the newsletter and for the website.
  • I’ll show you how to pick your newsletter name and where to register the domain name.
  • There will be simple instructions for any initial design (using the help of AI).
  • You will send 1 newsletter per week (to start) on a specific day.
  • My Reverse Market process will heavily narrow down your choice of possible markets (not "niches") for a newsletter.
  • We’ll discuss just 2 sources of traffic. One cheap paid option. And one free traffic option.
  • I’ll only describe one exact type of landing page to use to get your first few subscribers (it’s simple to write).
  • You will NOT be deciding how to monetize the newsletter. Your subscribers will decide with the help of my unusual 30-Second Survey.
  • When it comes to writing the content for your newsletter… I’ll show you the ONLY 2 methods to use for ideation & research.
  • I’ll have you do ideation, research, and editing on specific days before publishing.

You think less and launch faster.

Find out exactly how this all works inside the Weekend Launch Party course which is only available through tonight, Sunday May 26th at 11:59pm Pacific.

Here’s the link to join:

>>> Launch a profitable newsletter this weekend.

– Derek