The 3 best types of daily emails (send these now)

There’s a famous interview of basketball legend Kobe Bryant where he says that at 11 years old he didn’t score a single basket.

But the next year he was the best kid on his team and then, of course, he was drafted to the NBA right out of high school at 18 years old.

What made the difference is the interesting part – Kobe said the only thing he did was add one extra hour of practice each day. Most kids practice sports for about 1.5 hours a day. Kobe practiced for 2.5 to 3 hours a day.

If you’re working with a business that isn’t growing as fast as you would like… or you’re desperate to take things to the next level… here’s some very simple advice:

Try adding volume.
(And ideally, try to add volume in the biggest leverage points in a business as I’ll explain below.)

When I say volume, I really just mean "more". Adding "more" to the systems in a business.

I’m not talking about adding in new shiny objects and spreading your attention thin. I’m talking about focusing in and amplifying (adding volume) to what a business is already doing. Like how Kobe just added 60 more minutes to his already established practice routine.

Let’s dive in deeper to make this all super clear:

Here’s the image I shared yesterday of a 7-figure solopreneur’s business model.

I said that this entire business model was built upon sending daily emails. Why? Because sending an email 5x per week (adding volume to email marketing), will make the biggest impact on most businesses.
To understand why adding volume to your emails works so well, look at what happens when you try to add to volume to other parts of this business model:

  • Adding volume to your traffic systems, often means you’ll be spending more money on ads or spending more time building relationships (for JV and affiliate opportunities).
  • Adding volume to landing pages would mean that you’re coming up with new assets and diverting attention to solving new problems for your business – and you’ll need to drive traffic to your landing pages which again means more money spent.
  • Adding more offers is the same as landing pages – building something new requires effort outside of established routines, which often costs attention and/or money.

Now, with an email list, you already have an asset that’s built. And writing & publishing emails is already part of the routine and system.

So when you add volume to your email system, you’re just amplifying without adding too much effort (if you follow my system – writing more emails shouldn’t take too long), you don’t divert focus and you don’t have to spend any additional money.

This is why switching to daily emails (or installing better emails if you already send a lot) can be life changing for your business or any business you write for. If you can get your emails to do more (more clicks or more sales, whatever the goal), then you’ve impacted a high leverage area of a business.

In other words, daily emails give you outsized results and sales for any effort put into them.

For a business owner, it’s clear: Send more emails, make more money without the extra effort or cost of focusing on other parts of the business model above.

If you’re a freelancer, writing emails for clients provides the perfect blend of ease, speed and impact, especially when you install the right formulas.

Now, there are countless ways to do email marketing and countless different ways to approach the emails themselves.

Here are the 3 easiest and fastest formulas you can use and then just repeat, repeat, repeat.

Before we start here’s a common question: "Don’t people get sick of emails if they follow the same formula?"

If you copy and paste the same exact wording into every email, then maybe they’d get bored or turned off. I’m not recommending that.

In my case, I’ve been using similar formulas to start my emails for years (and have been more hardcore about it recently). I’ve never received a single complaint about emails being the same. I bet people don’t even notice which is also an important point: you pay more attention to you than anyone else.

Formula 1: The "Teach A Strategy" Strategy

You could build an entire 52 week email strategy around solving specific problems for a market.

This strategy doesn’t require much thought. First, what’s the big, main or overall problem that your product solves? Then, what’s a sub-problem, related problem or one part of the whole?

In the example above, the Weekend Launch Party product helps people solve the problem of building a list and starting a newsletter. This email covers one part of that problem by showing you a quick step-by-step strategy to pick your niche.

The email doesn’t solve the entire problem. There’s a pitch at the end to go deeper and solve the whole problem by buying the product.

Formula 2: The "Day in the Life" Story

Just solving problems all day is fine and dandy and would make plenty of sales. But you probably want more spice.
This is where "Day in the Life" stories work well.

First, you pick a main selling point of your product. A big benefit like, "It saves you time."

Then, you think of a time in your life where you saved time or wasted time and tell that story.

This could be as simple as telling a story of how you discovered a side road in your neighborhood that got you home 2 minutes faster. Then you add up the all the "wasted" time.

Then you connect that story to your product and viola. You have a story email ready to send.

(Note: This style of email sells best when the story is directly related to the product. It won’t sell as well as a Transformation Story but they can help build a relationship.)

Formula 3: The World’s Simplest Email Pitch

Mixed in with your emails solving problems and "Day In The Life" stories can be just straight-up sales pitches.

For some reason, copywriters these days are shocked to see that yes, you can make a direct pitch in an email. You don’t have to be clever all the time.

The world’s simplest email pitch is to have a discount.

First, put the sale % right up top in the subject line.

Then a good strategy is to highlight the main overall problem your product solves: "When you train and sweat you lose minerals (electrolytes)."
Then tell them why other popular solutions don’t work: "Water doesn’t replenish minerals. Other sports drinks are too sugary."
Then enter your product and describe the features and benefits: "Onnit’s Mineral Electrolytes helps maintain your body’s normal fluid and electrolyte balance…"

And that’s it.

I’m not kidding when I say that there are entire 8 figure businesses built off of using 2 or 3 email formulas like this.

I have a student right now who’s making high six figures and soon to be 7. He sends basically the same story style email with a soft pitch at the end for one of his products every single day to his list. His subscribers love it and more importantly they’re buying in droves.

Now, let’s say you really want to master this art of sending daily emails – you want variety and lots of different formulas to inspire your email writing. And of course you want to make A LOT of money for yourself or for your clients (which means you end up making a lot too).

I’ll show you how that’s done tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

– Derek

P.S. The 3 email formulas included above are just small surface-level sampling of what’s included in Email CopyHour.

If you’ve been wanting to learn the art of sending daily emails (at least 5x per week), then I fully recommend you join the course while it’s open for registrations this week only.

Email copywriting is an extremely valuable skill, as you’re likely well-aware, and this is my end-to-end system for consistently pumping out daily emails that connect with readers and make sales.

Email CopyHour is a 7 week course delivered via daily emails just like regular CopyHour. Each day I deconstruct and teach you the 50 most important email formulas that 7, 8 & 9 figure business use (and expect writers they hire to use).

Each day you’ll get a short lesson, an explanation of the email formula being used and how to apply it, and then you handwrite an example to hardwire it in.

If you’re a business owner, this course will give you the ideas, knowledge and skills necessary to quickly pump out daily emails that sell.

If you’re a freelancer who follows along with the course, you’ll have a demonstrable ability to write email copy plus a portfolio of sample emails ready to go.

If email copywriting is something you know want to learn, then you should grab the course now because Email CopyHour is open this week only through Sunday June 16th at 11:59pm Pacific time.

That means the doors are closing soon so get all the details and join here now:

>>> Become a top 1% email copywriter in the next 7 weeks