The first time I saw inside a $1mm/yr solopreneur business

I spent the early 2010’s building simple businesses. I wanted a setup that was just me, my laptop, and a six figure income.

Looking back, it was a struggle. I overcomplicated everything. You know the meme, this has been my trajectory:

I started out simple and achieved my goal… but then I wanted more. I tried to build a huge publishing business for "how to" creators. I took on copywriting clients and thought about starting an agency (almost daily). I wanted to hire coaches underneath me.

Basically, I did everything I could to make business hard on myself…

But then things changed around 2016.

I had a potential client reach out about writing a sales page.

He was a "solopreneur" who had 2 online courses teaching executives at Fortune 500 companies how to send cold email. For some mysterious (and fortuitous) reason he showed almost everything to me, including the number of customers he had. I did some quick math and realized he was doing about $1mm/year with this simple business setup.

My mind was blown.

Here I was doing everything possible to complicate my business, and this guy was doing everything possible to remove complications. And he was making 7 figures in the process.

Now, there was one thing I noticed about his simple business model that stood out above the rest.

It wasn’t that he was selling courses or the audience he’d chosen that grabbed my attention.

It was how he was keeping one essential part of his marketing strategy dead simple.

I was so inspired by what I saw that I implemented the change in my own business – and my wife’s organic skin care business before we sold it. Both of our businesses saw sales take off all while making life and marketing easier.

I’ll share exactly what this change is tomorrow. This won’t be some revolutionary thing – I’m sure you’ve heard this before.

It’s something that just about every online business and solopreneur can start doing right now (or you can do this for a client too).

But I want to flesh it all out for you and show you all the details at once. Hence, the tease.

I’ll show you everything tomorrow!

– Derek